National Preventive Group of the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan paid visit to the Social Service Facility for Children with Disabilities of the State Social Protection Fund under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.
The purpose of the visit was to monitor conditions of children living and involved in habilitation and rehabilitation processes, as well as to investigate treatment of children by employees and ensuring their right.
During the visit, NPG, with participation of an expert of medicine and social work monitored all objects of the social-care facility, including bedrooms, rehabilitation rooms, canteen and kitchens, leisure facilities, and the whole area, in general.
In private and legal awareness conversations with facility administration staff, teachers and medical staff, NPG investigated behavioral issues; studied current situation based on the attitudes of children living in these educational institutions. Consequently, it was found that the living conditions in the facility, nutrition, food supply, medical care and ensuring other rights, as well as the treatment of children are satisfactory.
At the end of the visit, the NPG held legal awareness talks with the administration and employees of the social service facility on relevant national legislation and international standards, including the CRC as well as the recommendations thereto, on improving the implementation of children's rights.