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Cooperation with Media Entities

The cooperation with media entities is essential to the Ombudsman, and constitutes an integral part of his/her activities.

The Information and Public Relations Unit plays a crucial role in establishing effective communication between the Office and media entities, developing public relations, conveying the Ombudsman's activities and new initiatives to media outlets, and promoting its work through the principles of publicity and transparency.

To ensure closer and more effective coordination with the media, the cooperation with local and international media outlets is prioritized over traditional and social media, in accordance with the Ombudsman’s Communication Strategy.

The Information and Public Relations Unit has also established close relations with staff members of leading newspapers, central and local TV channels, and other local media entities across the country.

Furthermore, the Press Service prepares news releases on key activities and measures undertaken by the Ombudsman, and issued statements, reactions, attitudes, calls, and promotional materials by the Ombudsman to the traditional media, various newspapers and magazines, TV channels, news agencies, and other media entities on thematic human rights issues. In addition, close relations and cooperation with the Audiovisual Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Press Council, the Media Development Agency, and new journalism institutions are ongoing.