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Protection of the rights of martyrs' families and war veterans

One of the main directions of the activity of the Ombudsman is the protection of the rights of war veterans, families of martyrs, and persons who became disabled while protecting territorial integrity, independence and constitutional structure of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In order to prevent families of martyrs and war veterans from facing various challenges in the postwar period and to ensure the effective protection of their rights, various social support programs are developed and implemented in fields such as labor, employment, social security, healthcare, and education. In this regard, it has become a primary goal to provide possible social support to the families of martyrs and war participants, to provide them with social protection programs to improve their living standards, to facilitate their access to the labour market, and to ensure their participation in various areas of social life.

The Ombudsman and the staff of the Headquarters and Regional Centers according to the instructions given by the Ombudsman, are constantly concerned with the care of the war participants and the families of martyrs with special sensitivity, as well as getting familiar with their problems on the spot through organizing regular visits to the families of this category of persons and are closely involved in the implementation of necessary measures.

The appeals addressed to the Ombudsman by families of martyrs and war participants are treated with special concern. Joint actions are taken with the relevant state authorities to address issues related to the implementation of the right to social security, provision of medical and psychological assistance, provision of rehabilitation services and remedies, and assistance in prompt resolution of employment issues.

It should be noted that in order to expand the Ombudsman's activity during the Patriotic War and the postwar period, to effectively organize and develop coordination with relevant government agencies, the Ombudsman Office established a Unit for Protection of the Rights of Families of Martyrs and War Participants in 2021. The main objective of the establishment of the relevant structural unit was the rapid investigation and addressing of appeals and problems of war veterans, families of martyrs, and persons who became disabled as a result of the Karabakh War.