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After the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the system of institutional mechanisms was rebuilt in order to implement democratic and legal reforms in this field and effectively ensure human rights.
As a result of recent legal reforms, many international principles in the field of human rights and freedoms have been reflected in the national legislation of Azerbaijan. However, in some humanitarian aspects, there was a need to further improve the protection of declared rights of people, to organize them according to international norms and standards. For this reason, the establishment of the position of Ombudsman was an important demand of our reality. The creation of this institution completed the system of legal protection structures, as well as eliminated existing gaps and created new opportunities to eliminate defects in the mechanism of protection of people's rights and freedoms.
Considering the provision of human rights in the Republic of Azerbaijan as a duty of the whole state, the establishment of the institution of human rights ombudsman for the first time was provided for in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 22, 1998 "On measures in the field of ensuring human and civil rights and freedoms". Also, in the "State Program for the Protection of Human Rights" approved by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 18, 1998, the establishment of the Commissioner for Human Rights is envisaged.
On December 28, 2001, the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted the Constitutional Law "On the Human Rights Commissioner (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan", and on March 5, 2002, the head of the country signed a Decree on the implementation of this Law, and thus the institution a legal basis was created for its creation and operation.
The first Ombudsman of the Republic of Azerbaijan was elected on July 2, 2002 by the Milli Majlis with 111 votes (out of 112 votes) from among the three candidates presented by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Three months after the election of the Commissioner, on October 28, 2002, the Office of the Ombudsman began accepting applicants and examining complaints.