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Office of the Commissioner for human rights (Ombudsman) of Azerbaijan has produced 178 publications to extend the legal awareness work in the country. Ombudsman’s annual reports, disks with the information about Azerbaijan, Khojaly Genocide and Armenian aggression are sent to international organizations, Ombudsmen Institutes, as well as distributed in forums and conferences, human rights specialists, international experts and others. 

The publications prepared by the Office are exhibited in book fairs and events held at national and international levels.

More than 23 foreign literatures, including research works, textbooks and educational materials in English or in other languages at the initiative of the Commissioner and with support of other organization have been translated into Azerbaijani language and published. Such valuable publications include “Human Rights and Good Governance”, “New Stage for Human Rights”, “Human Rights: Handbook for the Members of the Parliament”, Ralf Crawshaw “Police and Human Rights”. That scientific literature has been translated into Azerbaijani for the first time.  

Ombudsman Office publications are regularly sent to Ombudsman’s Regional Offices, partner libraries, relevant departments and libraries of public institutions, as well as Library of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic named after M.S.Ordubadi,  Nakhchivan State University library, Ombudsman Office of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic,  centralized city and district libraries throughout the country, penitentiary institutions’ libraries and other libraries. 

Office’s publications play great role in successfully raising legal awareness among the population. With support of the Commissioner, not only Office publications, but also legal literature published by the country representatives of the UN, OSCE and other international organizations are distributed to the libraries and people. Up to date in general, over 30000 legal literatures have been dispensed.    

Monograph by Sabina Aliyeva on "The Implementation of International Law Norms on the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities into the Legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan"

Introduction to Gender (Compilation of Lectures)
