Protection of the rights of older people
One of the main directions of the Commissioner's activity is the protection of the rights of older persons.
Legal measures are undertaken to restore the violated rights of older persons as one of the vulnerable groups of the population. In addition, the Ombudsman takes necessary measures to study the existing situation and analyze the legal and normative framework concerning their rights to property, labor, social security, health, housing, and other rights, and to bring the national legislation in compliance with international standards, as well as to increase the quality of social services provided to older persons and expand their spectrum, and to effectively organize their leisure time; furthermore, legal awareness activities are organized.
The appeals addressed to the Ombudsman by the older persons are treated with special sensitivity. In order to resolve their problems within the mandate of the Ombudsman, the relevant competent government bodies are addressed, and suggestions and recommendations are made for effective provision of their rights.
The Ombudsman's several recommendations have also been considered in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Social Service” dated 30 December 2011.
In addition to the above, the Ombudsman's National Preventive Group conducts unannounced monitoring visits to the social service facilities for older persons of the Social Services Agency under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and depending on the outcome of which the relevant measures are carried out.
The Ombudsman has proposed the ratification of a number of articles of the Revised European Social Charter, including Article 23 on the right of older persons to social protection, in order to enable them to be fully valued members of society for as long as possible.
The Ombudsman continues to work on the application of international experience in the field of protection and promotion of the rights of older persons and prevention of situations leading to their exclusion from society in Azerbaijan, while continuing to cooperate with related international organizations specialized in this field.