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Ombudsman addressed an open letter to the Human Rights Watch

Open Letter to international human rights organizations, ombudspersons and national human rights institutions of other countries regarding the policy of ethnic cleansing and deportation carried out by Armenia against Azerbaijan on the grounds of racial discrimination and hatred

Ombudsman’s Reaction to the Biased Statements by the US Congressmen Against Our Country

Ombudsman's Reaction to the ICJ Decision to Consider Azerbaijan's International Legal Claims Against Armenia, Including Facts Related to Armenia's Landmine Threat

Ombudsman’s Reaction to Mine Explosion in Gushchu Ayrim Village of Gazakh District

Ombudsman strongly condemned the US Congress’s biased approaches towards Azerbaijan

Ombudsman’s Reaction to the Ammunition Blast in Zargar Village in Fuzuli

Ombudsman’s Appeal regarding the anniversary of the deportation of the final group of Azerbaijanis from the territory of Armenia

Ombudsman's reaction to the mine explosion in the village of Kizilhajili, Gazakh

Ombudsman's Reaction to Landmine Explosions in Jabrayil

Ombudsman’s Reaction to the mine explosion in Tartar and Aghdam

Ombudsman’s Reaction to the Mine Explosion that occurred in Ahmadaghali village of the Aghdam District

Ombudsman's reaction in connection with the discovery of another mass grave in Khojaly city

Ombudsman’s Reaction to Armenia’s Recent Armed Provocations

Ombudsman’s Reaction to the fact of the discovery of a mass grave in the liberated Khojali district of Azerbaijan

Ombudsman's Reaction to the discovery of an explosive device in the secondary school in Khojavend

Ombudsman's Reaction to the Mine Explosion Incident occurred in Fuzuli

Ombudsman's Statement on ensuring and protecting the rights and freedoms of the Armenian-origin citizens living in Karabakh

Ombudsman's Reaction to Armenia's next mine terror

Ombudsman's Reaction to the Discovery of Human Remains in Gubadli and Zangilan

Ombudsman's Reaction to the fact of landmine stepping by a serviceman of the Army of Azerbaijan

Ombudsman's Reaction to the provocations carried out by persons of Armenian origin against the Azerbaijani Embassy

Ombudsman's Response to the statement of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe

Ombudsman's reaction regarding the discovery of another mass grave in Shusha

Ombudsman's reaction to the groundless and biased "expert opinion" against Azerbaijan by the former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, L.M. Ocampo

Ombudsman's reaction to the statement of some special rapporteurs and an independent expert of the UN Human Rights Council regarding the situation on the Khankendi-Lachin road

Ombudsman's Reaction in response to the last Statement of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Ombudsman's Appeal regarding international environmental crimes committed by Armenia

The Ombudsman's Reaction regarding the civilian's stepping on a landmine in Kalbajar

Ombudsman's Appeal to the international community regarding the immediate release of our military servicemen who were captured and unlawfully deprived of their freedom by Armenia

Ombudsman's Appeal concerning Armenia's next armed provocation 

Ombudsman's Protest against the extension of the prison term of the Azerbaijani serviceman captured by Armenia and illegally deprived of freedom

Ombudsman's Reaction regarding the discovery of a mass grave in the territory belonging to Shusha Prison

Ombudsman's Appeal regarding the next provocation of the Armenian armed forces

Ombudsman's Protest to the illegal deprivation of liberty of Azerbaijani servicemen captured by Armenia

Ombudsman's Call to the world community regarding the fact of the killing of civilians due to a mine explosion in Tartar

Ombudsman's Appeal to the international community regarding Armenia's mine provocation in the direction of Allahgulular village of Shusha district

Ombudsman's Appeal to international community regarding the 30th anniversary of the Bashlibel Massacre

The Ombudsman of Azerbaijan once again appealed to international organizations to ensure the rights of our servicemen detained in Armenia

Ombudsman's Appeal regarding the facts of torture and inhumane treatment of the serviceman of Azerbaijan captured by Armenia

Ombudsman's Appeal regarding the next provocation of the armed forces of Armenia

Ombudsman's Appeal to the international community regarding the gravesite found in the Ergi plain of the Aghdam district

Ombudsman's Appeal to the international community regarding 4 April - the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

Opinion of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan regarding Armenia's next military provocation on the Khankendi - Khalfali - Turshsu dirt road in the Karabakh Economic Region of Azerbaijan 

Ombudsman's Next Appeal to international human rights organizations concerning war crimes and ecocide committed by Armenia against Azerbaijan

Ombudsman's Appeal to Mr. Volker Türk, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Ombudsman's response to the allegations reflected in the report of Human Rights Watch for 2022

Ombudsman's Open Letter to Catherine Russell, the UNICEF Executive Director

Ombudsman's Message to the international community concerning the mine explosion in Kalbajar 

Ombudsman's Message to the international community for the prevention of mine terrorism of Armenia

Ombudsman's Message to the international community concerning mine explosions in Fuzuli and Tartar

Ombudsman's Message concerning the Attacks on the Diplomatic Missions of Azerbaijan in Foreign Countries

Ombudsman's Message concerning the next terror act of Armenia resulted in human casualties

Ombudsman's Message to the international community on the death of a civilian killed by the explosion of submunitions used by Armenia during the hostilities

Ombudsman's Appeal in connection with September 21 - the International Day of Peace

Ombudsman's Video Message on the occasion of August 30 - International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances

Azerbaijani Ombudsman's protest against the statement made by the Armenian Ombudsman at the 47th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Ombudsman's Appeal to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights with regard to minefields

Azerbaijani Ombudsman's Appeal to Michelle Bachelet and Dunja Mijatovic on the activities of the Armenian Ombudsman that undermines peace in the region

Ombudsman's video message on April 4 - International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

Ombudsman's commentary on the report of the Human Rights Watch, dated 19 March 2021, alleging the ill-treatment towards Armenian POWs

Ombudsman's open letter to the European Ombudsman Institute in response to the statement of the Secretary-General of this institute

Ombudsman's Appeal to international organizations concerning the recruitment of terrorist groups and mercenaries by Armenia 

Ombudsman's Appeal in connection with November 30 - the Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare

Ombudsman's video message regarding the liberation of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and the restoration of the rights of the IDPs

Ombudsman's video message on the occasion of the Victory

Ombudsman's Appeal concerning the treatment of POWs by Armenia

Ombudsman's Appeal concerning eco-terrorism of Armenia in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and the intentional fires on forests of Shusha region

Ombudsman's Appeal to international organizations concerning blatant violations of children's rights by Armenia

Ombudsman's video message concerning missile attacks by Armenian Armed Forces on Azerbaijani civilian settlements 

Ombudsman's Letter of Protest to the UNICEF concerning its Statement dated 28 October 2020

Ombudsman's video message on damage to Imamzada Religious Complex caused by missile attacks on Ganja city

Ombudsman's Appeal on heavy artillery shelling of the cemetery in Tartar City of Azerbaijan 

Ombudsman's Appeal to the UNICEF Regional Director

Ombudsman's video message on human casualties and destructions caused by the ongoing aggression of the Armenian armed forces 

Ombudsman's Open Letter to Amnesty International concerning its biased statement

Ombudsman's Appeal concerning the attacks on Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Oil Pipeline with prohibited cluster munitions