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The Ombudsman's National Preventive Group held visits to special boarding schools

17-03-2025 223 dəfə oxunub
The Ombudsman's National Preventive Group held visits to special boarding schools

Within the framework of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) activities of Sabina Aliyeva, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ombudsman's National Preventive Group (NPG) carried out scheduled monitoring visits to the Special Boarding School No.9 for children with limited health problems named after E. Guliyev and Republic Special Boarding School 6 for children with limited health problems named after E. Mirzayev under the Ministry of Science and Education.

The purpose of the visits was to monitor the living conditions, treatment standards, and status of ensuring the children’s rights, as well as to follow up on the elimination of any shortcomings found during previous visits.

During the visits, dormitories, canteens, medical centers, classrooms, and other administrative rooms of the facilities were inspected, as well as the process of organization of children's leisure time, nutrition, supply with drinking water, and the documentation were examined. The documents used in carrying out psychological work with children in both institutions were found not to contain the full information; some medicines expired at the Republic Special Boarding School No. 6, lighting did not meet the norms, and some foodstuffs expired at the Special Boarding School No. 9.

With regard to the identified problems, the management of both facilities has been made recommendations on how to improve living conditions and the documentation in compliance with the requirements stipulated in the relevant legislative and international documents.

The Ministry of Science and Education will be appealed to address any shortcomings identified during the moitoring visits.