- Dear Ms. Sabina, we would like to learn about your position regarding the expulsion of the employee of the Azerbaijan State News Agency from New Caledonia as an “unwelcome person.”
The expulsion of Aygun Hasanova, an employee of the Azerbaijan State News Agency (AZERTAC), as an 'unwelcome person' on the eve of the rally scheduled for December 5 in New Caledonia, a French colony, and the rude behavior of the New Caledonian police towards the Azerbaijani journalist are clear manifestations of the disregard for international legal norms and principles, restrictions on the free activities of journalists, blatant infringements on freedom of speech, press freedom, and the right to obtain information by this state.
According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes the freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media, and regardless of frontiers. At a time when the world marks the 75th anniversary of this crucial document, I strongly condemn the occurrence of such negative incidents in a country that identifies itself as a cradle of democracy.
Furthermore, this attitude is a gross violation of Articles 12 (liberty and freedom of movement) and 19 (freedom of opinion and expression) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the provisions of the French Constitution, which is the supreme legislative act.
Such a step by France, which has been pursuing a colonial policy for many years, should be considered as preventing the right voice of the people of New Caledonia, who are fighting for their independence and freedom, from being conveyed to the world community.
I would like to remind you that such treatment is not the first act of this kind by France against Azerbaijani journalists. Some time ago, colleagues from Azerbaijan Television who were conducting a shooting in this country were attacked, physically assaulted, and their equipment was confiscated.
I strongly condemn the rude behavior of the New Caledonian police towards AZERTAC's employee, as well as the restriction of her activities and the severe violation of the right of access to information.
- What can you say about the life imprisonment given to our military serviceman Huseyn Akhundov, who went missing in April of this year in the border area between the Shahbuz district of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and Armenia and later was known to be captured by Armenia?
- The deprivation of liberty of the Azerbaijani military serviceman based on false accusations, as well as the aggravating of his sentence to life imprisonment, contradicts the norms and principles of international law.
Despite repeated appeals from our side regarding this issue, Armenia continues to seriously violate the requirements of international law.
In addition, Armenia's provocative actions create a serious obstacle to the ongoing efforts between the two countries towards signing a peace agreement and achieving sustainable peace in the region.
I reiterate that Armenia must immediately release the Azerbaijani servicemen, Huseyn Akhundov and Agshin Babirov, who have been unlawfully deprived of their liberty, and take the necessary steps for their prompt return to our country.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that, as the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan, I demand relevant international organizations, foreign ombudsmen, and national human rights institutions to take effective measures to release Azerbaijani military servicemen and call on them to condemn France’s disrespectful behavior towards human rights and freedoms.