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The Correctional Facility and the Penitentiary Facility #4 of the Penitentiary Service were inspected

22-12-2020 525 dəfə oxunub
The Correctional Facility and the Penitentiary Facility #4 of the Penitentiary Service were inspected

The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sabina Aliyeva has always focused her attention on ensuring the rights of the vulnerable groups of the population, including convicted persons. On the eve of December 31 - Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis and New Year, staff members of the Ombudsman Office visited the Correctional Facility for juveniles and penitentiary facility for female convicts #4 of the Penitentiary Service under the Ministry of Justice.   

The juveniles have been talked to in the facility, where they are held; also, they have been delivered congratulations on behalf of the Ombudsman on the upcoming holidays and presented holiday gifts. Enlightening talks were carried out with juvenile convicts and confidential meetings were held with them, during which their appeals were received.

As regards the Penitentiary Facility # 4 of the Penitentiary Service, the building for female prisoners with infants was inspected and the detention conditions and treatment standards were monitored. The prisoners were informed about the activities directed at the protection of the rights of prisoners under the National Preventive Mechanism, and their rights, as well as the competences of the Ombudsman. In the end, the female prisoners with their infants were delivered the congratulations on behalf of the Ombudsman, and they were presented with holiday gifts, sweets.

At the end of the visit, there were awareness talks for the administration of both facilities on ensuring the rights of convicts in conformity with national and international legal norms.