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Staff member of the Ombudsman Office attended IOM online event

23-10-2020 485 dəfə oxunub
Staff member of the Ombudsman Office attended IOM online event

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has organized an online event on the National Action Plan (NAP)  to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2020-2024. The purpose of the event was to discuss issues of mutual cooperation in the framework of projects implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the fight against human trafficking.

The Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of Azerbaijan (HRCA) was represented in the meeting by Ms. Aynur Hamidova, Head of the Unit on Access to Information at the Office. In addition, the event has brought together the representatives from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, assistance center for victims of uman trafficking,  the Bar Association of Azerbaijan and non-governmental organizations.

During the meeting, Ms. Hamidova gave broad information about the activity of the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan in the field of combating human trafficking. It was also noted that the HRCA is actively involved in the implementation, coordination and evaluation processes of relevant NAP.

In addition, the participants were informed about that the Ombudsman made recommendations in relation to the development and implementation of social rehabilitation, as well as social adaptation programs to ensure that the victims are socially protected, the establishment of regional social shelters providing specialized rehabilitation, and of course, develop the overall system, in general, etc. 

It was noted that under the mandate of the Ombudsman, her National Preventive Group conduct monitoring of the places of detention subordinated to the State Migration Service and the Office for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings on a regular basis, during which the persons held in those facilities are informed about their rights, and of course, the condition of detainees, nutrition, medical care, and treatment standards and other issues are inspected as well. Those persons were assisted within the powers of the Ombudsman.It was also noted that one of the main activities of the HRCA in the relevant field is also awareness-raising activities.

Representatives of the organizations had interactive discussions on the topic.