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Ombudsman Sabina Aliyeva made an Appeal to the Regional Director of UNICEF on the military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijani territories and civilians

14-10-2020 523 dəfə oxunub
Ombudsman Sabina Aliyeva made an Appeal to the Regional Director of UNICEF on the military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijani territories and civilians

The Human Rights Commissioner of Azerbaijan, Ms. Sabina Aliyeva appealed to Ms. Afshan Khan, UNICEF Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia (ECA).

In the Appeal it was stated that since 27 September 2020, the Armenian armed forces intensively and indiscriminately shelled densely civilian-populated areas and educational, social, cultural facilities as well as objects of strategic importance using heavy artillery, special missile systems and prohibited munitions. Consequently, there have been many dead and injured among the civilian population, and plus, the extensive damage was caused to residential buildings, historical and cultural property, administrative buildings and other social infrastructures.   

In the Appeal, with deep regret, it was also highlighted that as a result of another missile shelling of densely populated and located far beyond the conflict zone areas, which is a gross violation of international humanitarian law, 3 children were killed, 23 children got various injuries, but 3 children lost their both parents. 

The document also provides broad information about the Fact-Finding Missions of the Ombudsman to Naftalan, Tartar and Ganja cities, conducted at different times as well as the information on the civilian casualties, including deaths and injuries among children due to the shelling of residential buildings, kindergartens and other civilian objects as a result of the policy of aggression and war crimes committed by Armenia.   

In the Appeal, underlining the concern about targeting civilians, particularly the children by the Armenian armed forces and reiterating Armenia's severe violations of its treaty obligations, Geneva Conventions, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, it was demanded to take measures on the issue at the UN level.    

Recalling the effective cooperation between the Ombudsman Office and UNICEF, Ms. Sabina Aliyeva called on the Regional Director to conduct a Fact-Finding Mission to the conflict-affected areas in a view to defending fundamental interests and restoring their violated rights.