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Azerbaijani Ombudsman had the next fact-finding mission to Ganja city subjected to artillery attacks

06-10-2020 429 dəfə oxunub
Azerbaijani Ombudsman had the next fact-finding mission to Ganja city subjected to artillery attacks

From September 27, 2020, the Armenian armed forces has been again openly violating the norms of international lawby targeting and intensively attacking the densely populated residential areas, social, cultural and strategic facilities located far beyond the conflict zone with use of artillery weapons, rockets, aircrafts and prohibited munitions.   

Regrettably to say that from October 4, 2020, armed forces of Armenia continue subjecting to missile attacks and rocket fires Ganja, the second biggest and densely populated city of Azerbaijan, located in more than 100 km away from the conflict zone, from the territory of Armenia.

The Azerbaijani Ombudsman Ms. Sabina Aliyeva had a fact-finding mission to Ganja, the city subjected to heavy artillery attacks in order to investigate the facts of serious human rights violations committed by the Armenian military forces and to draw the attention of the international organizations to the truths.

During the monitoring, the Ombudsman made investigations in civilian private houses, historical and cultural monuments, big malls and other public facilities destroyed and severely damaged by missiles. The Ombudsman visited those, wounded as a result of Armenia’s military attacks and met with the local residents affected by the collateral damages.    

A report on the results of the fact-finding mission in Ganja city, which was destroyed by heavy artillery fire by the Armenian armed forces, will also be submitted to international organizations.

This should be noted that Armenia continues its deliberate artillery and rocket fires at residential areas-Mingachevir, Beylagan, Horadiz (Fuzuli District), Barda, Agdam, Agjabedi, Terter, Jabrayil, Khizi, Absheron and other densely populated civilian sttlements. Eventually, there are dead and wounded among the peaceful civilians, and the private houses, historical and cultural monuments, administrative buildings and social objects were severely damaged.