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Ombudsman received a new representative of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in Azerbaijan

23-09-2020 441 dəfə oxunub
Ombudsman received a new representative of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in Azerbaijan

The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ms. Sabina Aliyeva received a newly appointed Representative of the Head of Baku Representative Office of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Ms. Növber Ferit Vechi.

Greeting the diplomat, the Ombudsman gave information about main activity directions of the Ombudsman Institution, including its international relations and stressed the importance of exchange of information between foreign ombudspersons. She also reiterated her videoconference with the Chief Ombudsman of Turkey, during which the issues of protection of the rights of vulnerable people during the pandemic were mainly focused on.

During the meeting, the Ombudsman said that it is essential to establish an Association of Ombudspersons of Turkic-Speaking Countries, which will cover a large geographic area, stating that there is a need for these countries to strengthen not only their economic, social and cultural relations, but also bilateral cooperation in the field of human rights from the sustainable development perspective.

In the course of the meeting, Ms. Aliyeva also said that the Azerbaijani side lost one of its soldiers as a result of Armenian military provocations, committed in the direction of Tovuz district of Azerbaijan at the borderline on the Day of International Peace. She noted that as a result of the ongoing territorial claims of and occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent districts by Armenia, over one million of our compatriots became refugees and IDPs.

The Ombudsman also said that Armenia seriously threatens the peace and stability in the entire region by its ongoing military attacks and targeting mainly Azerbaijani civilians and civilians’ objects in violation of international appeals calling to end military conflicts due to pandemic and disregarding international law principles.

At the meeting, the parties have discussed some issues in relation to bilateral cooperation.