The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sabina Aliyeva has conducted an unannounced visit to the Investigation Isolator No. 3 within the frames of her NPM activity.
The objective of the visit, carried out on the basis of the OPCAT and the Constitutional Law on Ombudsman of Azerbaijan, was to investigate the issues related to detention conditions, treatment issues, quality of nutrition, medical care and the situation of ensuring the other rights in the facility.
At the time of the visit, some persons held in the facility, including Tofig Yagublu, about whom the information on his hunger strike was spread on websites, have been interviewed confidentially.
During the confidential talk, T. Yagublu said he went on a hunger strike based on his dissatisfaction with the criminal case against him and the court decision. At the time of the visit, conducted also with presence of the doctor member of the NPM team, he was recommended to stop the hunger strike in order to avoid serious health problems.
Furthermore, the administration, as well as the medical and sanitary unit of the facility have also been recommended to keep T.Yagublu’s health condition under the control.
Alike, the interviewed detainees have been informed about the Ombudsman’s competences and given legal advice in relation to the raised questions, their applications were accepted, and a number of appeals were provided on the spot.
The relevant state bodies to be requested regarding the outcomes of the preventive visit.