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National Preventive Group conducted visits to penitentiary facilities #6 and #17

02-09-2020 471 dəfə oxunub
National Preventive Group conducted visits to penitentiary facilities #6 and #17

According to the instruction of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sabina Aliyeva, members of the Ombudsman’s National Preventive Group (NPG) carried out visits to penitentiary facilities #6 and #17 of the Ministry of Justice Penitentiary Service without a prior notice.

The visit was based on the requirements of the OPCAT and the Constitutional Law on the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan. During the visits, the NPG has investigated the conditions of detention and treatment of the convicts, situation of ensuring nutrition, medical care and other related rights.

During the visit to the penitentiary facility #6, NPG members held confidential meetings with a number of convicts, including Emin Saghiyev, about whom web pages disseminated information concerning hunger strike. E.Saghiyev referred to the court decision on his case as a ground for taking such a step.

During the visit to the penitentiary facility #17, the NPG members met with Vahid Aliyev, who reported that he went on hunger strike requesting to change the facility he serves his sentence in. V.Aliyev was consulted about his rights and his appeal was taken for consideration.

The NPG members put forward relevant recommendations to the above-mentioned convicts for restoring food intake, also to the facility administration and medical-sanitary unit to keep their health care under control. 

In the course of the interviews with the convicts, they were given information about the Ombudsman’s powers and about the issues raised by them. Their applications were accepted; several appeals were satisfied on the spot.

Relevant state bodies will be applied on the outcome of the visits.