The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sabina Aliyeva held an online meeting with the officials of the Council of Europe Anti-discrimination Department, Mara Georgescu and Angela Longo.
The purpose of the meeting was to assess the national implementation of the EU/CoE Eastern Partnership Project “Strengthening access to justice through non-judiciary redress mechanisms for victims of discrimination, hate crime and hate speech in Eastern Partnership countries” to which the Ombudsman institution of Azerbaijan was also involved.
During the meeting, the Commissioner gave broad information about the measures taken within the Project up to present day, including training and exchange of information for the Ombudsman institution staff. It was said that as a part of the human rights protection and promotion activity as provided by the laws, the Office of the Human Rights Commissioner of Azerbaijan (HRCA) deals with the anti-discrimination activity as well.
The CoE officers highlighted the importance of bilateral discussions that the HRCA held with the local civil society institutions, claiming that this is very essential in terms of strengthening the bilateral cooperation. The CoE representatives suggested holding a round table with the state stakeholders and civil society institutions in autumn of the present year with the participation of international experts.
Some other issues have been also discussed in the online meeting.