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Jalilabad Regional Center held a videoconference titled “Say NO to drug addiction”

29-06-2020 414 dəfə oxunub
Jalilabad Regional Center held a videoconference titled “Say NO to drug addiction”

Jalilabad Regional Center of the Ombudsman, Jalilabad District Department of Youth and Sports and Jalilabad District Education Department have jointly organized a videoconference titled “Say NO to drug addiction”. The videoconference was dedicated to June 26, International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

The head of the Ombudsman’s Jalilabad Regional Center, Ziya Ismayilov noted that drug addiction has become a serious threat in today’s world that causes concerns and heavy results and mentioned that the UN General Assembly established June 26 as the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in 1987 to keep focus on problems about drug addiction. He added that Azerbaijan ratified international conventions against illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, also improved the national legislation in line with the international tools.
It was stressed that combating drug abuse, protecting the rights of persons with HIV/AIDS and raising awareness in this regard are also attached importance in the activities of the Ombudsman of Azerbaijan.

The head of Jalilabad District Department of Youth and Sports, Elchin Huseynov and the nominee of “Young teacher of 2019” Elchin Abbasov have also delivered speeches in the videoconfrence. Speeches were focused on the importance of combating drug addiction as a necessary task and conducting proper awareness raising activities for youth and children against this adversity.
Interactive discussions were held, questions were answered in the videoconfrence.