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The staff of the Ombudsman Office participated in an awareness-raising event organized during the 'Child Rights Month-Long Campaign'

18-11-2023 398 dəfə oxunub
The staff of the Ombudsman Office participated in an awareness-raising event organized during the 'Child Rights Month-Long Campaign'

The staff members of the Ombudsman Office of Azerbaijan participated in an awareness-raising event held at the Elite Gymnasium named after Ilyas Afandiyev during the 'Child Rights Month-Long Campaign.'

During the event, the Ombudsman’s representatives made presentations on the effective protection, provision, and promotion of children's rights. Information was provided about the Ombudsman's activities in the protection of children's rights, monitoring conducted in state child institutions, and the procedures for applying to the Ombudsman.

At the end, the questions raised by the children on the topic were answered, and educational materials on the promotion of children's rights prepared at the initiative of the Ombudsman were distributed.