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Ganja Regional Center held an online legal awareness raising event

11-06-2020 420 dəfə oxunub
Ganja Regional Center held an online legal awareness raising event

Ganja Regional Center of the Ombudsman, Shamkir Department of Youth and Sport and Youth Development and Career Center jointly organized an online awareness raising event on Mechanisms for Human Rights Protection” with participation of young people from Shamkir district.

The head of the Ganja Regional Center of the Ombudsman, Sabuhi Abbasov spoke about the annual Human Rights Month-long Campaign that has been declared for May 18-June 18, 2020, at the initiative of the Ombudsman Sabina Aliyeva. Noting the cancelling of mass events according to the decision of Operational Headquarters of the Cabinet of Ministers, he added that this year awareness raising events are organized through using the ICT opportunities. S. Abbasov mentioned that the Ombudsman institution takes regular actions in accordance with the clause 5.6 of State Program on Azerbaijani Youth in 2017-2021 for raising awareness of young people on human rights, gender equality, environment and other issues.

During the online event S. Abbasov informed the participants about national and international mechanisms for human rights protection. He provided details about rules of applying to those mechanisms, in particular to the Ombudsman Office, the competencies of the Ombudsman, hotline numbers and the address of regional centers.

The questions asked by the participants were answered.