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Representative of the Ombudsman took part in an international webinar on the protection of the rights of IDPs

05-06-2020 540 dəfə oxunub
Representative of the Ombudsman took part in an international webinar on the protection of the rights of IDPs

Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have organized an international webinar titled “Protecting forcibly displaced persons in COVID-19 context: Role and experiences of NHRIs and opportunities for collaboration with UNHCR”. The event was aimed at exchanging experiences of NHRIs promotion and protection of the rights of forcibly displaced persons during the pandemic, developing strategies in this area, identifying further key directions for joint activity and expanding coordinated work in this regard.

The webinar brought together ombudspersons from different countries, representatives of NHRIs, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of IDPs, Cecilia Jimenez-Damary, as well as staff members of the UNHCR Office and country delegations. The head of the Sector for Protection of the Rights of Refugees, IDPs and Migrants, Turan Jahangirova and the deputy head of Legal department of UNHCR Azerbaijan, Samira Allahverdiyeva also joined the webinar. The webinar hosted discussions on the topic.

The information given by the NHRI of Azerbaijan stated that 10 percent of Azerbaijani population are refugees and IDPs, which is a practically unique example in the world. It was also mentioned that as a result of the ethnic cleansing and occupation policies by Armenia, 20 percent of our territories are under Armenian occupation, more than one million compatriots have become refugee and IDPs having their all fundamental rights grossly violated. This was also stressed that as an aggressor and occupying state, Armenia does not fulfill the UN Security Council Resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884, thus insists on ignoring requirements of international law.

This was brought to the attention of the participants that improving welfare of this population group and their safe return to homes or residual places is a priority for the Republic of Azerbaijan and that more than 315.000 IDPs have been settled in 111 modern-type settlements, and this process continues step-by-step.

This should be also noted that enhancing the role of NHRIs in the protection of IDPs was also reflected in the 2019 Report submitted to the UN Human Rights Council by Ms.Cecilia Jimenez-Damary on the relevant issue.