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Regional centers of Ombudsman held a videoconference on combating domestic violence

05-06-2020 512 dəfə oxunub
Regional centers of Ombudsman held a videoconference on combating domestic violence

Ombudsman’s Ganja and Jalilabad Regional Centers and Heydar Aliyev Center of Samukh district have jointly organized a regional legal awareness-raising videoconference titled “Combating domestic violence during COVID-19 pandemic” and held within the framework of Human Rights Month-long Campaign by involving Heydar Aliyev Centers in Agstafa, Shamkir, Yevlakh, Agjabedi, Agdam, Neftchala, Ujar, Lerik, Yardimli, Astara, Jalilabad, Masalli, Salyan, Sabirabad, Agsu, Terter, Sheki and Khizi districts.

In his speech the head of Ganja Regional Center, Sabuhi Abbasov firstly noted that June 18 is marked as Human Rights Day in Azerbaijan according to the Order of the President Ilham Aliyev dated June 18, 2007. S. Abbasov recalled the ongoing Campaign that is being observed in the republic from May 18 to June 18 at the initiative of the Ombudsman with the purpose of re-analyzing the activities carried out in the human rights field in the past period and to determine the forthcoming duties.

This was emphasized that COVID-19 pandemic, which is creating a number of difficulties in several areas, also caused increasing number of family conflicts and domestic violence cases. In this regard several international organizations, including the UN Secretary-General urged member states to take broader activities directed at prevention of domestic violence during pandemic period.

S. Abbasov mentioned that the Azerbaijani Ombudsman institution conducts extensive awareness raising activity to attract public attention to gender-based violence and domestic violence, adding that every year related events are held in cooperation with central and local state bodies with participation of population groups. He also spoke about various awareness-raising events and actions annually carried out from November 25 to December 10 in the framework of “16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence”. The participants of the videoconference were also informed about provisions of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Prevention of Domestic Violence.

The head of Jalilabad Regional Center of the Ombudsman, Ziya Ismayilov stressed the importance of measures taken by the Ombudsman institution for elimination of circumstances leading to domestic violence. He stated that Jalilabad Regional Center also organizes large-scale awareness work in the districts falling under its jurisdiction. Z. Ismayilov also mentioned that benefiting from the potential of Heydar Aliyev Centers of all the country districts would effectively contribute in combating domestic violence.

During the videoconference, the representatives from Heydar Aliyev Centers have shared their views related to this topical issue.