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Guba Regional Center held an awareness-raising event via videoconference

26-05-2020 283 dəfə oxunub
Guba Regional Center held an awareness-raising event via videoconference

Guba Regional Center of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan held an awareness-raising event for Guba Centralized Library Systems employees and active readers in the frame of the Human Rights Month-Long Campaign. 

After greetings and congratulating the participants on the Holy Ramadan and May 28- Republic Day, the head of the Regional Center, Bahruz Afandiyev gave them broad information about month-long campaigns organized on the initiative of the Ombudsman, mentioned that each year, June 18 is celebrated as Human Rights Day in the country according to the relevant Presidential Order of June 18, 2007. In this regard, on the initiative of the Ombudsman, the period between May 18 and June 18 is celebrated as a month-long campaign on human rights. 

It was also underlined that amid the special quarantine regime declared in the country, all incoming applications to the Ombudsman are being approached sensitively and the issues of protecting and ensuring human rights as are always kept under control. 

The event continued with interactive discussions on the subject and the questions were answered.