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Sabina Aliyeva visited the tomb of national leader Heydar Aliyev

10-05-2020 299 dəfə oxunub
Sabina Aliyeva visited the tomb of national leader Heydar Aliyev

On May 10, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sabina Aliyeva visited the Alley of Honors to pay tribute to the memory of the Azerbaijani people’s national leader Heydar Aliyev and laid flowers at his tomb.

The Commissioner also honored the memory of the prominent ophthalmologist-scientist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva, put flowers on her grave.

During the leadership of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev - the founder of the present-day independent state of Azerbaijan, the effective protection of human and citizens’ rights and freedoms was set as one of the priority directions in the public policy and was always kept in focus.

It is associated with the name of Heydar Aliyev that Azerbaijan was recognized as an independent, legal and democratic state among world countries, also a legal framework and necessary legal protection mechanisms serving to ensuring and protecting human rights were formed as a result of legal and institutional reforms in the country.

To establish a competent institution of the Commissioner of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Human Rights was initially set forth in the State Program on the Protection of Human Rights that was approved by Heydar Aliyev as the first strategic tool in the field of human rights in our country.

At the legislative initiative of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, the Milli Mejlis (Parliament) adopted the Constitutional Law on the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan on December 28, 2001.

Today the Ombudsman institution continues its activity consistently and successfully based on the principles of publicity, transparency, legality, justice, impartiality as per requirements of the Rule of Law.