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The activities of the Ombudsman on protection of rights of persons with disabilities were highlighted in international online meeting

11-04-2020 401 dəfə oxunub
The activities of the Ombudsman on protection of rights of persons with disabilities were highlighted in international online meeting

The deputy head of department and head of International Relations Sector of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Zaur Valimammadli participated in an online international meeting organized by the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI). The meeting brought together the representatives from NHRIs of Germany, Great Britain, France, Bulgaria and other countries, as well as those from OHCHR, GANHRI and other international organizations. The key purpose of the meeting was to exchange experiences and views with regard to solution of problems arising in effective protection of the rights of persons with disabilities (PWDs) during the ongoing outbreak of the new COVID-19 infection rapidly spreading in the world that became a real threat to the life and health of human beings.

The representative of the Ombudsman Office of Azerbaijan briefed the participants about the measures taken against the spread of the COVID-19 in the country. He added that Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers was set up, and a special regime of quarantine was declared on March 24, 2020. He brought to attention the establishment of the Fund to Support Fight against Coronavirus in Azerbaijan and donation of the Ombudsman institution to this Fund in the amount of 30.000 manats.

Z. Valimammadli mentioned that the live reception of people in the Ombudsman Office has been temporarily suspended due to the special quarantine regime, but complaints and appeals are received via telephone, fax, e-mail, post and social networking accounts of the institution, also 24/7 hotline service is at the disposal of people. This was mentioned that the official website of the institution regularly disseminates the statements and appeals of the Human Rights Commissioner, Sabina Aliyeva calling to strictly follow the rules in order to be protected from COVID-19. 

The meeting participants were informed about the Commissioner’s special message which stresses the necessity of paying particular attention to PWDs’ rights protection and advising relevant authorities to take immediate actions by considering the conditions of the current regime. The message also included the issues, raised by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in her message, urging the world countries in March this year.