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Message of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the state and local self-governing institutions, officials, and other offices, enterprises, organizations and business entities regarding the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) infection outbreak

01-04-2020 372 dəfə oxunub
Message of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the state and local self-governing institutions, officials, and other offices, enterprises, organizations and business entities regarding the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) infection outbreak

As is well known, the Government of Azerbaijan is taking urgent preventive and combative measures, including physical distancing at the highest level in order to prevent the further spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, declared by the World Health Organization as a global pandemic, in the territory of Azerbaijan. Therefore, the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers, consisting of heads of the relevant state bodies and agencies, takes necessary decisions and significant recommendations and suggestions on a regular basis.  

Although the special quarantine enforced in the country to strengthen the relevant preventive and combative measures, the measures,addressing the ensuring and social protection of the persons with disabilities (PWDs), are also continued, consequently, there are no delays in the payments of their pensions, social benefits, and allowances.   
Protection of the rights of PWDs is always in focus of the Commissioner for Human Rights of Azerbaijan. 
Currently, according to the special quarantine regime enacted due to the existing epidemiological situation in Azerbaijan, and, although the live reception of applicants in the Ombudsman Office and its Regional Centers has been temporarily suspended, everyone, including the PWDs may reach the Commissioner via post, online application, e-mail, fax, social networking (facebook, twitter) as well as 24/7 operating hotlines (0503709896 and 012916). All appeals received by the Commissioner are approached very sensitively, and urgent operative measures are taken in relation to the raised problems. 
During the monitoring of penitentiaries, social care, and psychiatric facilities, conducted by the Commissioner of Azerbaijan as a National Preventive Mechanism, the issues of access for this category of people to the created  conditions, nutrition; access to health and social services; educational measures and distribution of the relevant educational print materials, as well as demonstration of those educational information on the public boards were checked on the spot. If this was not the case, urgent measures for provision of public awareness were recommended.

The Commissioner also recommended the introduction of conditional release for the prisoners with disabilities considering the situation regarding COVID-19 infection and urged the Ministry of Justice to submit documents related to such prisoners to the court. 
Recent times, while highly appreciating all urgent measures taken for combating COVID-19 infection in the country, we would like to note that in the current special quarantine period, the PWDs as one of the most vulnerable groups of the population, are more in the need of protective equipment infection control (such as Isopropyl alcohol, surge masks, and gloves), medical examination, treatment and rehabilitation services of those suffering from various diseases, necessary medications, being provided with discounts in utility bills payment, guidance on infection prevention and being well informed about the measures of physical distancing and etc. 
In this regard, considering also the current challenges indicated in the Statement of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, regarding the protection of the rights of PWDs during the period of ongoing outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic,we consider that in order to effectively ensure social and legal protection of PWDs, as they need more care, in the current situation,it is important to pay attention to the following issues: 
(1)    Provision of PWDs from low-income families, and, who is incapacitated and live alone with personal protective equipment infection control (such as Isopropyl alcohol, surge masks, and gloves) on a regular basis;
(2)    Involvement of PWDs, suffering from various diseases in mobile examination, treatment and rehabilitation;
(3)   Provision of PWDs, who registered in dispensary and those, suffering from various diseases as well as of a part of the risk group, with necessary medications urgently at the place of residence; 
(4)    Offering urgent relevant discounts to PWDs on payment of utilities; 
(5)   Taking urgent measures to immediately place the homeless with disabilities in shelter and social rehabilitation center for the vulnerable groups when identified; 
(6)   Broadcasting TV programs in accessible formats (with tiflo and sign language interpretation), as well as online promotional programs and producing booklets in Braille on this topic in order to ensure access for PWDs, including persons with visual impairment and hearing loss to decisions, recommendations and suggestions taken to fight coronavirus infection and guidance on prevention of the infection;
(7)    Extension by the banks of the validity of expired cards for pension, social benefit and allowance payments of the customers with disabilities for the special quarantine period in the frame of the corporate social responsibility;
(8)    Increasing attention and support by business entities to the employees with disabilities taking into account the current situation.  
We think that when carrying out social protection measures for the vulnerable groups, and PWDs, the significance  of the principles of proportionality, necessity and non-discrimination should be taken into account. 
With deep respect,
Sabina Aliyeva
Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) 
of the Republic of Azerbaijan
01 April, 2020