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The National Preventive Group of the Ombudsman visited psychoneurological social service establishment #1

16-03-2020 311 dəfə oxunub
The National Preventive Group of the Ombudsman visited psychoneurological social service establishment #1

Upon the instruction of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan Sabina Aliyeva, the members of the Ombudsman’s National Preventive Group (NPG) carried out a visit without a prior notice to the psycho neurological social service establishment #1 in Buzovna settlement under the State Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population.

The purpose of the visit, organized on the basis of the OPCAT and the Constitutional Law on the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, was to investigate detention conditions and treatment issues, the status of ensuring the rights of detainees in the facility, as well as the investigation of received appeals.

In the course of the visit conducted with participation of the physician-member of the NPG, all units of the facility, including bedrooms, places for arrangement of leisure time, canteen, kitchen and common area were monitored. It was determined that the detention conditions meet the respective standards.

In order to investigate the treatment issues, individual interviews were held with residents living in that social establishment, as well as with the administration and staff of the establishment, and the existing situation was examined.

At the end, relevant recommendations on the improvement of detention conditions were given to the administration and staff of the establishment.

The appeal was addressed to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population regarding the outcome of the visit and the issues raised.