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Event devoted to Constitution Day was held in Leadership School

12-11-2019 506 dəfə oxunub
Event devoted to Constitution Day was held in Leadership School

An event devoted to the Constitution Day was held in Leadership School operating under the Azerbaijan Child and Youth Peace Network that was established at the initiative of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elmira Suleymanova.

The Ombudsman’s representatives Faig Agayev and Mahir Mammadov, nearly 100 members of the Leadership School representing all districts of Baku, as well as teachers and parents took part at the event.

Congratulations of the Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova on the occasion of the November 9- National Flag Day and November 12- Constitution Day were conveyed to the participants.

M. Mammadov noted that the first Constitution of the independent Republic of Azerbaijan, drafted under the leadership of the National leader Heydar Aliyev, was adopted on November 12, 1995. Afterwards as a result of the referendums held in 2002, 2009, 2016, a ground was established to widen and to effectively ensure the human rights, including the rights of the child.

He mentioned that 24 years passed from the adoption of the first national Constitution, which was accepted as an important event in public-political life of the country having an exceptional place in the foundation of democratic, legal, secular state. Furthermore, he stated that for the first time ensuring rights and freedoms of persons and citizens and proper standards of living for the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan was set forth as the highest objective of the state in this document, which has the highest legal authority.

In this regard, he mentioned that the activity of the Ombudsman institution, which is a non-judicial legal protection mean and independent national human rights institution, is also regulated on the basis of a Constitutional Law. This was also noted as a clear manifestation of the fact that our state attaches particular importance to the human rights as the highest value.

Broad information was also provided on children’s rights enshrined in the Constitution; numerous questions were answered.

At the end, the participants expressed their gratitude to the Commissioner for organization of the event.