The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, State Committee on Affairs with Religious Associations, Law and Human Rights Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences jointly organized a conference on “Religion and Human Rights”. Together with the organizers, members of the Milli Mejlis (Parliament), representatives of state authorities, religious communities, higher education institutions, NGOs and mass media took part at the event.
The Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova delivered a speech at the event, emphasized the role of attitude towards religion in the sustainable development within and among the countries, also the undeniable relation between the religion and human rights.
She mentioned that the equality principle, the foundation of human rights, was proclaimed by Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the first parliamentary republic in the Muslim East. At the same time, women’s suffrage entitled them to take part in state administration, decision making and to enjoy equal opportunities. This principle was recommended to the signatory countries in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 30 years later.
The Commissioner stated that after the return of Heydar Aliyev to power, consecutive, systemic reforms were carried out in the country in all the spheres, independence and sovereignty strengthened. It created possibility to ensure the rule of law, human rights and freedoms.
E. Suleymanova also noted that the Article 18 of the Constitution reflects the relationship between the religion and the state.
She mentioned that the development of minorities, representatives of different religions, equality of their rights has always been under the focus of attention by the National leader and policy was based on these principles.
The Commissioner underlined that Azerbaijan is known as a unique model for multicultural and multi-confessional environment, building state-religion relations.
It was further mentioned that the Armenian aggression lasting for 30 years resulted in expulsion of all the Azerbaijanis from their historical lands, hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis were subjected to deportation as a result of ethnic cleansing policy of Armenia. Contrariwise, tens of thousands of Armenians living in Azerbaijan enjoy the constitutional rights as citizens of Azerbaijan without violation of their rights on the grounds of nationality or religion.
The Commissioner emphasized that there have not been cases like religious persecution, infringement of religious freedom among the appeals addressed to her within the term of office.
The Ombudsman also mentioned about the political manipulations, massive human rights violations, commitment of massacres against civilians under Islamophobia and xenophobia. She herein noted that the religion can be used either as destructive or creative power, it’s necessary to employ this power to play a “bridge” role between the people and the state.
It was noted that the policy of the country President Ilham Aliyev supports Islamic, Christian and Judaism communities, repairing and enhancing material conditions of mosques, churches and synagogues, allocating annual financial support to religious confessions with relevant orders.
At the initiative of the first Vice-President, the President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva a monument was erected to Saint Prince Vladimir in Russia, Saint Marcellino and Pietro catacombs in Vatican, religious temples in other countries were repaired, and it is highly evaluated from the point of friendship and cooperation among peoples.
The Commissioner also noted the services of the Sheikh ul-Islam, chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office aimed at promoting peace, stability and development in the Caucasus.
The Commissioner mentioned about the 7th Global Forum of the UN Alliance of Civilizations, international humanitarian forums, inter-cultural dialogue forums, the upcoming 2nd Baku Summit of the World Religious Leaders. E.Suleymanova also highlighted the Baku Process, which provided a wide-scale platform for dialogue among civilizations and cultures, and was supported with its name at the international level by the resolution of the UN.
In order to achieve the set goals, the Ombudsman, state bodies undertake actions within and beyond the country, also publicize this work. It was noted that there is still a need to strengthen the potential on cooperation as a network with the NGOs and mass media to further develop the coordinated awareness raising work by involving all the population groups.