It is worth to mention the continuous activities carried out in our country with regard to protecting children’s rights, educating them as physically and morally healthy, worthy citizens of the society, as well as improvement of relevant legislative framework and joining important international documents.
The adoption of the draft law on Approval of the CoE Convention on Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, signed in Lanzarote on October 25, 2007, with relevant statement by the Milli Mejlis (Parliament) on the basis of the legislative initiative of the country President once again proves that Azerbaijan is committed to the highest objective of the state, ensuring the human and civil rights and liberties, proper standard of living for the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Ratification of this Convention, which is an important document for the protection of children’s rights, by our country will serve improvement and implementation of measures directed at preventive, protective, relevant criminal-legal aspects of fighting all forms of child abuse, including sexual abuse, as well as rehabilitation programs for victims.