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Head of Ombudsman Office attended Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting of OSCE

22-07-2019 231 dəfə oxunub
Head of Ombudsman Office attended Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting of OSCE

The Head of Ombudsman Office Aydin Safikhanly took part at the Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting of the OSCE on the topic of “Effective multilateralism diplomacy in OSCE Human Dimension” organized  in Vienna by Slovak OSCE Chairmanship with the support of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on July 15-16, 2019.

The event continued its work within three sessions.

The representative of the Ombudsman gave presentations on the topics of the second and third sessions titled “Multilateral cooperation as a mean to enhancing the effectiveness and independence of NHRIs in OSCE participating states” and “Multilateral responses to online violence against women and girls”.

He spoke about the successfully continued legal reforms aimed at more effectively protecting and ensuring human rights and freedoms, the establishment and activity of the Ombudsman institution, regulation of its status under constitutional law, safeguards in legislation and practice for operation of this national human rights institution (NHRI) on the basis of Paris Principles.

He also gave information about the measures carried out for implementing the National Program for Action (NAPr) to Raise Effectiveness of the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms in the Republic of Azerbaijan, approved by the Presidential Order dated December 27, 2011, close cooperation with civil society for this purpose, holding public hearings in all the regions of the country to learn promotion and implementation of the NAPr. He has also noted about “Human Rights” Month-long campaign held on the eve of June 18- Human Rights day in Azerbaijan, as well as close participation of the institution in Twinning, TAIEX projects of the European Union, Eastern Partnership program and the gained positive experience.

Moreover, he informed the participants about equal rights in the national legislation, discrimination and violence against women and girls, adoption of new legislative acts, defining more serious directions for combating violence against women within the and NAPr and National Action Plan, as well as “National Action Plan on Eliminating and Combating Domestic Violence in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2019-2023”, “National Action Plan on Gender Equality for 2019-2024” drafted for ensuring implementation of general recommendations of CEDAW Committee, Beijing Declaration and Action Platform and Gender equality strategy of the Council of Europe.

The Head of Office made mention of the Ombudsman’s activity and her positively assessed practices regarding the protection of rights of persons subjected to abuse, including women and children.

The information on the comprehensive activities of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman was welcomed and evaluated positively.