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Ombudsman met with the Special advisor to the Joint UN Program on HIV/AIDS for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

04-10-2019 262 dəfə oxunub
Ombudsman met with the Special advisor to the Joint UN Program on HIV/AIDS for Eastern Europe and Central Asia

The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) Elmira Suleymanova met with the Michel Kazatchkine, Special advisor to the Joint UN Program on HIV/AIDS for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the progress and shortcomings about prevention of drug-resistant tuberculosis and hepatitis in Azerbaijan, also the support of the UN and international community towards our country.

The Commissioner reported that persons suffering from this infectious disease are officially registered in the Center of the Republic for Fight against AIDS and their treatment-prophylaxis is carried out. She provided information about series of awareness raising events assessed as positive experience on promoting healthy lifestyle and informing population about that disease. Necessary information was disseminated among people to prevent AIDS and drug addiction, trainings and seminars were organized for adolescents and youth. Several proposals have been relatively addressed to the abovementioned Center of the Ministry of Health.

It was told that at the same time, such awareness was communicated for students within during teaching the subject “Introduction to Gender” in Baku State University, as well as within the Hierarchic Child Rights Education program for schoolchildren in the capital and regions, including resource centers of the Ombudsman.

Consideration of the Commissioner’s proposals and recommendations on preparation of drafts and adoption of the Law on Fight against disease caused by HIV was brought to attention.

The Commissioner highlighted the activity to prevent discrimination against people suffering from this virus, which included distribution of posters promoting preventive ways against HIV/AIDS transmission and Protection of persons with HIV/AIDS developed on her initiative and editorship, guaranteeing integration of those people to society through TV and radio, as well as prevention and stigma in case of HIV/AIDS.

E. Suleymanova noted that the staff members of the Office disseminated informative posters among migrants and tourists in airports and railway stations with the aim of preventing possible risks of transmission of disease during the global migration processes.

As well as, she stated that trainings and seminars are held on the eve of December 1-World AIDS day “Youth house” social service establishments in the republic.

The Ombudsman mentioned that the publication on “Arrangement of public service in family planning” to organize and propagate community based social service have been evaluated as a useful aid by specialists.

E. Suleymanova pointed out that taking into consideration the purposes and mission of the Cairo Conference (ICPD) such awareness raising in community-based services on reproductive health and family planning is continued in Baku and regions, newly established IDP settlements by involving capacities of Azerbaijan Women and Development Center.

It was also noted that in some cases domestic violence causes that disease, where the complex approach is necessary towards gender equality, elimination of violence against women, early marriages, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS and drug addiction problems.

The Commissioner further added that she visited hospitals, medical institutions and obstetrics clinics and made relevant recommendations.

In his speech, Prof. Michel Kazatchkine reported that number of deaths due to AIDS has almost dropped by 40% in the world, although during last three years this decrease has become stable, also in post-Soviet countries.

Mr. Kazatchkine noted that he got information about preventive measures taken against AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis in Azerbaijan, also stressed the necessity of joint action by state bodies and civil society institutions.

At the end, the guest expressed his satisfaction about the sincere welcome and efficient discussions.