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Ombudsman Office hosted a Round Table on the Rights of Migrants

01-10-2019 286 dəfə oxunub
Ombudsman Office hosted a Round Table on the Rights of Migrants

A Roundtable on “Migration processes and protection of migrant's rights in Azerbaijan” was organized by the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of Azerbaijan, State Migration Service and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. State institutions, NGOs, international organizations and media outlets took part in these discussions.

The issues related to dynamics and migration process in Azerbaijan, protection of rights of migration process participants and possibilities of expansion and relevant awareness events have been discussed at the event. The participants have been informed about the general activity of the Commissioner in the field of protection of migrant’s rights, including also awareness trainings organized throughout the country and regular monitoring in detention center for illegal migrants in capacity of national preventive mechanism. 

During discussions it was pointed out the importance of raising awareness of the public audience about migration processes, using of rapid mechanisms to improve this field and of participation, cooperation and publicity in this process.

Despite the fact of grave atrocities of Armenian-Azerbaijani armed conflict, which are associated with gross violation of international human rights and humanitarian law norms, Azerbaijan is continuing to develop its economy and human rights policy that attract more and more migrants to the country. 

The Commissioner stated that in conformity with international standards, Azerbaijani Government continues undertaking systematic and complex measures for promotion of legal migration, including also the adoption of the national Migration Code, which is the first among Commonwealth states.  She underlined that foreigners have been created equal working opportunities with the nationals of Azerbaijan. E. Suleymanova drew attention to the bilateral cooperation with State Migration Service towards implementation of relevant legal documents, efficient protection of migrants’ rights, meeting the social needs of their family members, ensuring equality in education, health system and in other fields and of course for preventing illegal migration.

The proposals made by the Commissioner concerning social protection of unaccompanied, deprived of parental care children and asylum seekers as well as improving the legal status of aliens placed in special detention centers have been taken into consideration.

It was noted that Ombudsman cooperates with other foreign ombudspersons with regard to protection of migrants’ rights residing and working outside of their homes, including migrants of Azeri origin and vice-versa.   

At the meeting, the Commissioner proposed also to improve the situation of migrants residing in Azerbaijan, meeting their needs in education, health, access to justice and etc., advancing the relevant database, creating regional shelters and so on. The event was continued with interactive discussions of other participants as well.

At the end, the parties have also discussed the future cooperation issues towards implementing the relevant documents protecting the rights of migrants.