The Azerbaijani Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova participated at an international scientific-practical conference on the topic of “The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Tajikistan: achievements and perspectives” organized by the Commissioner for Human Rights of Tajikistan in Dushanbe.
The event was attended by the Ombudspersons and specialsits from Central Asia, heads of state bodies, representatives of the OSCE, EU, UN and OHCHR, International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, also other international organizations, scientific communities and NGOs.
During the conference, four main directions in the current acxtivity of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) were considered. Discussions were managed about NHRIs in Central Asian countries, their practice, regional cooperation, Paris principles in the activity of NHRIs, their role in fulfillment of international obligations on human rights, relations with state bodies and civil sector.
E.Suleymanova made a speech titled “International legal norms in the Ombudsman’s activity” and provided information on the Azerbaijani practice. The Commissioner spoke about the Azerbaijani Ombudsman institution as an independent institution acting on the basis of the Paris Principles, using all means for the protection of human rights and civil environment, promotion of rule of law, supporting the society by being open to cooperation.
It was noted that Council of Experts established at the Commissioner’s initiative, including NGO representatives, independent specialists, human rights defenders, contributes to analysis of main human rights directions, improvement of legislation and issuing proposals on implemenation of international documents.
There have been proposals on learning provisions and recommendations in SDGs and National Action Program to support their implementation by involving central and local executive power bodies, civil society and international organizations, to include NGOs to working groups on SDGs, to maintain joint monitorings to issue proposals to authorities, submission of the already issued first Voluntary National Review for SDGs and developing the next Review, to draft other reports for submission to the UN Treaty Bodies etc.
The Commissioner called the Ombudsman institutions and NHRI representatives to cooperation and joint activity under the Goal 17 of SDGs and the UNHCHR’s slogan “Stand up for human rights”.