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Event was held on the topic of "Gender equality and violence against children"

11-04-2019 298 dəfə oxunub
Event was held on the topic of "Gender equality and violence against children"

An event on the topic of “Gender equality and violence against children” has been held at the Sabunchu district school No.137 named after E.Maharramov. Staff members of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan Lamiya Zeynalova and Ilaha Afganli participated in the event, which was attended by school administration, teachers, students and parents as well.

Staff members of the Office delivered speech and noted that one of the priority directions in the comprehensive activity of the Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova concerns fighting gender-based violence. They gave broad information to about the work carried out in this area by the Ombudsman institution.

It was reported that the activity of the Ombudsman encompasses the analysis of the Azerbaijani legislation in terms of gender, organizing gender theory education in secondary and higher schools, conducting awareness-raising in gender equality field, supporting women’s participation in public-political life of the country, drafting and preparing state programs to achieve equal opportunities between women and men, also other issues.

Moreover, the attendees were informed about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the Law on the Rights of the Child of Republic of Azerbaijan, measures carried out by our state in the field. The Ombudsman’s activity for ensuring and protecting children’s rights, at the same time activities conducted by the institution on fighting violence against children and hotline service “916” regarding the children were emphasized.

The school psychologist and doctor of the area also made speeches on the topic. The students demonstrated short awareness-raising performances with regard to gender equality and fight against violence, slides were displayed.  

The school administration expressed their gratitude to the Commissioner underlining that holding awareness-raising events has a rather positive impact on the development of the children.