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Azerbaijani Ombudsman attended International Symposium in Ankara

03-05-2019 215 dəfə oxunub
Azerbaijani Ombudsman attended International Symposium in Ankara

The Azerbaijani Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova participated at International Symposium on “Right to Protection of the Family” organized in Ankara by Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey. The Ombudsman made a speech on “The role of mediation in the protection of family and the Azerbaijani practice” at this event attended by experts on human rights, also representatives of the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), Council of Europe (CoE) and other international organizations.

Touching upon the historical development of the family concept, the Ombudsman drew attention to the impacts of rapid changes in all areas of life on the family integrity.

The Ombudsman stressed that gender equality strengthens the foundations of family. She noted that the Declaration adopted by the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic proclaiming independence in 1918, granted right to vote and right to be elected to women equally with men even antedating numerous European countries. The Ombudsman provided information on teaching of the “Human Rights”, moreover the “Introduction to gender” subjects at the recommendation of the Ombudsman in Law and later in other faculties of Baku State University, as well as publishing the teaching manual- set of lectures on this subject.

The Ombudsman also gave information on the actions implemented in the direction of effective protection of all the groups of population, speaking about public hearings held different regions of our country. The joint trainings organized in collaboration with CoE for learning and applying the mediation concept, which assumes great role in the elimination of divorce cases in families, were also noted. She pointed out that the opinions regarding promotion of applying mediation method for the solution of family conflicts were also discussed in the Baku International Conferences of Ombudsmen.

Furthermore, the unresolved armed conflicts were noted as a challenge directed towards human rights and freedoms in the modern times. Bringing into attention the occupation of the internationally recognized territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding districts by Armenian extremists, deprivation from fundamental human rights of more than one million refugee and IDP compatriots as a result of this conflict, the Ombudsman underlined the necessity of the peaceful resolution of the conflict, liberation of these occupied lands by returning those people to their homes with restoration of all of their human rights.

The Ombudsman also noted that the cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey on social, economic and cultural areas has developed very rapidly during last years. The mentioned relations successfully continue in accordance with the agreement signed between the Ombudspersons of these countries.

At the end of the speech, the Ombudsman hailed the efficient cooperation ties built between the Azerbaijani and Turkish Ombudsman Institutions, the activities carried out for further enhancement of those relations.