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Staff of the Ombudsman Office carry out inspections in military educational institutions

17-12-2018 339 dəfə oxunub
Staff of the Ombudsman Office carry out inspections in military educational institutions

Based on the plan-agreements between Ombudsman Office, with the Minister of Defense, the Command of the Civil Defense Troops of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and with Ministry of Interior, Ombudsman’s staff members Mr. Fazail Hasanov, head of the military unit and Mr. Murad Babayev, senior adviser, carried out monitoring in Jamshid Nakhchivanski Military High School of the Military Defense and Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan High Military School.

The monitoring aimed at inspecting the living conditions and treatment of military servicemen and cadets and to study the human rights situation in these military educational institutions.
Inspectors positively evaluated the organization of leisure time for cadets in the military high school, including hobby circles for sport, dancing, art and amateur activities.
The staff of the Ombudsman's Office held talk on the military trainees' human rights, including the rights of military servicemen, the activities of the Ombudsman, the current military legislation and regulations.

The administration of those educational institutions was given recommendations to improve the work done.