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NPG visits to Penitentiary institutions are underway

14-12-2018 280 dəfə oxunub
NPG visits to Penitentiary institutions are underway

Within their mandate to monitor all places where people cannot leave at their own will, Ombudsman’ s National Preventive Mechanism Group has been conducting visits to such places.

The next visit was carried out to the penitentiary facility No. 16 of the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice without prior notification. The monitoring was aimed at investigating detention condition and treatment, received appeals, ensuring the rights of prisoners, and examining the documentation in conformity with OPCAT and the Constitutional Law on Ombudsman.

NPG members in presence of doctor member of the group, inspected conditions in medical part of the facility, dormitories, penal isolators, penitentiaries, meeting rooms, cafeteria and other objects as well as examine the access to proper and quality medical care, nutrition, hot and cold water, phone calls, parcels, visits and the documentation. The current status and documentation of donations, meetings and telephone conversations have been investigated

NPM Group also privately interviewed numerous detainees at the facility as well as held confidential talks with the detained Afghan Mukhtarli, Fuad Ahmadli and Asif Yusifov to investigate the received applications, conditions of detention and treatment; reviewed their applications, and some issues, they raised have been ensured on site.

Some of the detainees expressed their concerns about prison overcrowding, whereas, others complained about access to food, medical care, and telephone calls.

Finally, it was held awareness talks with prison administration and responsible staff and given appropriate recommendations to meet national and international laws and standards, including European Penitentiary Rules, and to overcome deficiencies in detention condition, medical services and documentation.
The Ministry of Justice will be contacted on the outcome of the visit.