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Representatives of Ombudsman carried out inspections of military units

20-10-2018 369 dəfə oxunub
Representatives of Ombudsman carried out inspections of military units

Fazail Hasanov, Head of the Unit on protection military servant’s rights and Murad Babayev, Senior adviser of the Unit carried out planned inspections of military units under the Defence Ministry's Chemical Service and Engineering Department.

The aim of inspections was to examine service conditions, treatment of servants, quality of nutrition in military units.

The representatives monitored all objects of the Units and met with the military personnel. Service conditions created for military servants, treatment and quality of nutirition and health service were evaluated as satisfactory and the organization of the work was highly appreciated.  

Ombudsman's representatives held discussions with military staff about Ombudsman’s activities, current military legislation and gave necessary instructions how to enhance the current conditions.