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Working Group on Business and Human Rights under the Ombudsman meets at XVI Session

02-07-2018 346 dəfə oxunub
Working Group on Business and Human Rights under the Ombudsman meets at XVI Session

Working Group on Business and Human Rights under the Ombudsman meets at its XVI Session to discuss security issues in constructions in the light of business and human rights. The session brought together Ombudsman staff, Council of Experts under the Commissioner’s Office, related public stakeholders.     

Following her opening remarks, Ombudsman stated this session mainly would focus on security issues in constructions, which is very global problem at a moder time and that occupational safety and in general, the right to security and right to labor that pave the way for ensuring the right to property, right to privacy, right in a safe and healthy environment.   

“Government takes effective and targeted actions to ensure the right to safety in constructions such as adoption of the Code of Urban Planning and Construction, establishment of State Agency for Control over Construction Safety under the Ministry of Emergencies and so on” she added.

Commissioner stressed the importance of adoption of State Program on amplifying the occupational safety and health, labor protection and descent condition of work, which was also reflected in the Presidential Decree 800, dated 29 December, 2012 on Development Concept 2020.

“New approaches to this issue is needed for full and effective implementation of safety issues; therefore, I deemed necessary to organize broad-scale discussions, studying practices and opinions concerned”.

WG summarized opinions related to enhancing the legal-normative framework, building network of relevant stakeholders and centralizing the management; simplifying procedures; giving priority to national architectural style during construction projects; using skills of local architectures; promoting safety in construction; expanding legal awareness work; ensuring descent work and occupational safety, particularly for those, who worked outdoor during summer and amplifying control over informal labor relations and so on.