Representatives of Azerbaijani Ombudsman Office Rashad Novruzov and Elmin Jafarov attended workshop on "Business and Human Rights" organized by the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions, Human Rights Institutions of Denmark and Georgia in Tbilisi.
At the event, presentations were made on the commitment of states on business and human rights, respect of business enterprises to human rights, as well as corporative social responsibility and access to human rights protection mechanisms, participants shared their views on the mentioned topics.
The Representatives of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman provided information about the Business and Human Rights Working Group which was set up at the Commissioner’s initiative. The group consists of the representative of relevant governmental bodies, NGOs and independent experts.
It was noted that the Azerbaijani Ombudsman had made proposals on implementation of the UN Guiding Principles, as well as Global Agreement on Business and Human Rights and other relevant international instruments, development of corporate social responsibility in the country, adoption a National Action Program on business and human rights, wide awareness raising activities had been carried out.
They actively participated in discussions, shared their experience and the work carried out by the Office in this regard.