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Representative of the Ombudsman Office attended an event dedicated to World Consumer Rights Day

16-03-2018 345 dəfə oxunub
Representative of the Ombudsman Office attended an event dedicated to World Consumer Rights Day

Rashad Novruzov , Head of the Unit for Civil and Political Rights attended round table on “Consumer-Entrepreneur relations: mutual rights and duties’ organized by State Service for Antimonopoly Policy and Consumer Protection under the Ministry of Economy.

He said the Commissioner pays close attention to protection of human rights in during entrepreneurial activity, gives proposals and recommendations for eliminating shortcomings, raises these issues before the relevant bodies and takes measures in accordance with law. He also gave information about the activity of Business and Human Rights Working Group set up in this regard and added that proposals for making additions and amendments to the Law on Protection of the Rights of Consumers was sent to the Committee on Economic Policy, Industry and Entrepreneurship of the Milli Majlis.

R. Novruzov spoke about the proposals of the Ombudsman in this direction, stressed the importance of implementation of international documents on consumer rights and improvement of national legislation, increasing attention to corporate social responsibility, conducting awareness campaigns in the center and regions, organizing specialized groups and regular monitoring on concrete topics.