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Representative of Ombudsman attended workshop in Estonia

26-01-2018 223 dəfə oxunub
Representative of Ombudsman attended workshop in Estonia

Recently, Head of the Unit for Protection of Civic and Political Rights of the Ombudsman Office attended workshop “Human Rights in Digital Age” held by International Ombudsman Institute and Estonian Ombudsman Office.

The issues like impact of the internet and digital technologies on society and human rights, ensuring the freedom of information, the balance between privacy and security, perspective of future development of public digital services, the role of Ombudsmen in protection of the rights of everybody in information society were discussed during the event.  

During the workshop R. Novruzov gave information about the e-governance portal created in the country, Azerbaijani brand ASAN service, said that measures are taken for increasing the number of e-services and the development of the system. He also talked about the Azerbaijani Commissioner’s activity for protection of human rights and freedoms, as well as freedom of information and cooperation built with relevant state bodies and civil society organizations.