Upon the Ombudsman’s instruction, National Preventive Group (NPG) monitored the Temporary Detention Place and Investigation Isolator of the State Security Service without prior notice.
The purpose of the visit was to monitor detention condition and treatment issues, a situation of ensuring the detainees’ rights and screening the documentation.
During the visit detention condition, the quality of nutrition, provision of health care, walking time, phone service and other rights, as well as treatment issues were monitored. Each detainee was interviewed in private. Those persons did not complain of their detention condition and treatment of the staff and sounded their satisfaction with the quality of food, provisions with walking time and qualified healthcare.
The interviewed persons were explained the requirements of the relevant legislation, Ombudsman’s competences. Some detainees were legally consulted on the issues they raised regarding the investigation process of their case during private interviews. Relevant bodies will be urged in this regard.
At the end of the visit the discussion were held with management of TDP and Investigation isolator on work carried out in the facilities, relevant recommendations were given in compliance with the international and national legislations.