On the eve of 10 December-International Human Rights Day, Ombudsman’s representatives Nigar Agayeva and Murad Babayev conducted trainings on child rights at several secondary schools of Baku.
They informed participants about the essence of human rights and child rights, rights and duties envisaged in Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Right of the Child, the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Law on Child Rights and other legislative acts, as well as child rights protection mechanisms.
Ombudsman’s representatives also focused on the competences and main activity directions of Ombudsman as an effective human rights protection mechanism, investigation of applications in this regard, legal awareness work, monitorings held by the Office, Commissioner’s proposals for improvement of national legislation, hot line service “916” operating for 24 hours, as well as Ombudsman’s child rights resource center- Azerbaijan Child and Youth Peace Network and Leadership School functioning within the network.
During the events awareness raising publications on child rights prepared by the Ombudsman Office were presented to schools.