Elmira Suleymanova, Commissioner for Human Rights received delegation led by Georgette Gagnon, Director of the Field Operations and Technical Cooperation Division of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). Jose Maria Aranaz, newly appointed head of OHCHR Europe and Central Asia Unit, Vladimir Shkolnikov, Senior Human Rights Adviser of the OHCHR for South Caucasus also participated in a meeting.
E. Suleymanova greeted guest and said close cooperation was built with UN and its treaty bodies. She provided in depth overview of the activity of Ombudsman Office.
It was noted Azerbaijani Ombudsman was accredited with “A” Status as a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) by International Coordination Committee of NHRIs for operating independently in compliance with Paris Principles and was re-accredited with the Status in 2012 after a special review.
Commissioner added that numerous proposals were developed and sent to relevant state bodies during her term in Office. Thus, in total regarding her activity Ombudsman addressed hundreds of proposals to different bodies and more than half of them were taken into consideration or directed to execution, as well as about 200 proposals on activity as a National Preventive Mechanism more than 70 percent of which were realized.
Touching upon the state reports that Azerbaijan will submit to relevant treaty bodies in 2018 on Universal Periodic Review, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Convention on the Rights of the Child, and Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, the Commissioner said that it will be prepared complimentary reports on each document to the mentioned committees. She added OHCHR support in this regard is welcomed.
E. Suleymanova said that for increasing the efficiency of human rights protection there is a need for new approaches, mechanism and tools.
G. Gagnon thanked Commissioner for comprehensive information about the work of the Ombudsman Office. She appreciated the close cooperation built with UN treaty bodies and over 180 publications of the Office which contribute to legal awareness. She added that a year-campaign will be held on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and suggested to conduct joint events with the Ombudsman Office in regions in this regard.
At the end guests thanked Commissioner for warm reception.