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Representative of Ombudsman participated in international seminar on migration

20-11-2017 284 dəfə oxunub
Representative of Ombudsman participated in international seminar on migration

Recently international seminar on Combating Unregulated Migration was held in Nakhchivan within the framework of the Project “Strengthening the Capacity on Migration and Border Management in Azerbaijan implemented by International Migration Organization with financial support of EU.

Turan Jahangirova, Head of the Unit for protection of the Rights of Refugees, IDPs and Migrants of the Ombudsman Office attended the event. She spoke about the reforms carried out, normative legal acts, state programs and National Plans of Actions adopted in the field of human rights, as well as in combating illegal migration and human trafficking.

She provided in-depth information about the Commissioner’s activity in protection of migrants’ rights, public hearings held for monitoring of the implementation and promotion of National Program for Action to Raise Effectiveness of the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

It was noted that for effective protection of the rights of this group of population Ombudsman signed 15 agreements with Ombudsmen of foreign countries in the field of human rights.

T. Jahangirova stressed the importance of identification of irregular migrants crossing the border, strengthening the control over visa procedures at checkpoints through organization of information campaigns, provision of legal and psychological assistance to asylum seekers and strengthening legal awareness work in border regions.