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Representative of Ombudsman attended an event dedicated to the day of Constitution

13-11-2017 235 dəfə oxunub
Representative of Ombudsman attended an event dedicated to the day of Constitution

An event dedicated to the day of Constitution was held in Ombudsman’s Resource Center for the Elderly functioning at the Azerbaijan Woman and Development Center. Representative of the Ombudsman Office Mugalib Mahmudov participated in the event.  He said ensuring human rights and freedoms, as well as a decent living standard for citizens were identified as a supreme goal of the country for the first time in the history of state building.

It was noted that the activity of the Ombudsman Office as a non-judicial human rights protection mechanism and a National Human Rights Institute is regulated by the Constitutional law.

Participants were also informed about the reforms carried out in the country, strategies, concepts, state programs, as well as National Plan and Programs of Action adopted for ensuring human rights envisaged in the Constitution.