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National Preventive Group visited Investigation Isolator No 3

20-06-2017 259 dəfə oxunub
National Preventive Group visited Investigation Isolator No 3

Upon the instruction of Elmira Suleymanova, Ombudsman’s National Preventive Group (NPG) conducted a visit to Investigation Isolator No. 3 of the Penitentiary Service under the Ministry of Justice without prior notice.

The purpose of this visit was to check general custody condition and treatment and state of ensuring the rights of the detained persons.

During the visit, the custody condition was investigated, for this purpose detained persons were received privately.

The interviewed persons did not complain about treatment; each of them has been legally consulted concerning the issues they raised; some applications were examined on spot; they have been explained their rights and requirements of relevant legislation; their applications and complaints addressed to the Ombudsman were received by the NPG. Moreover, some problems shown in the applications have been solved immediately.

Finally, the work carried out in the facility was discussed with the administration; it was observed that recommendations given during the previous visit of NPG to this facility had been implemented; relevant actions had been carried out for organization of free time of detainees in compliance with the Law on   Ensuring Rights and Freedoms of Persons Detained in Custody.