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Lectures were delivered by the representative of the Ombudsman to the personnel and activists of the trade unions

04-10-2023 331 dəfə oxunub
Lectures were delivered by the representative of the Ombudsman to the personnel and activists of the trade unions

Within the framework of cooperation between the Ombudsman Office of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Academy of Labour and Social Relations, several topical issues related to human rights are included in the program of the specialized training and retraining courses that are launched for the personnel and active members of trade unions working in the field of human rights in our country. 

The next course was run by Muqalib Mahmudov, the Head of the Department of Cooperation with International and Civil Society Organizations at the Office, whose lecture was about international legal standards of human rights.

During the course, the participants were informed about important legal documents on human rights of significant importance adopted by international and regional organizations, international commitments of Member States arising from those documents, and control mechanisms for the implementation of international treaties, and questions on the topic were also answered.